Ting at foretage sig på Edinburghs hvælvinger
Kom en tur ned i den mørke og mystiske fortid fra de georgianske tider med et besøg i uhyggelige kamre i Edinburgh hvælvinger. Skjult under den travle gamle bydel befinder sig 19 buer, der indgår i South Bridge.
Buerne blev oprindeligt brugt af lokale virksomheder som skomagere og andre, værksteder og værtshuse, men efter 30 år resulterede den dårlige konstruktion i, at de blev forladt. Dette gav mulighed for de mere skumle beboerne i den skotske by at bruge de skjulte rum til ulovligt spil, whiskydestillerier og, siges det, som sted for ligrøvere at skjule lig!
Rygtet siger, at du kan føle eller endda høre de mange spøgelser, der dvæler blandt hvælvingerne. Se på egen hånd, mens du udforsker historien og hører fortællingerne om de hjemsøgte underjordiske rum.
Vores anbefalinger Edinburghs hvælvinger

Ghosts and ghouls evening walking tour of Edinburgh
Book this evening ghosts and ghouls walking tour to discover Edinburgh's haunted side and the Blair Street Underground Vaults before a dram of whisky.

Gruopvækkende underjordisk udflugt til fods i Edinburgh
Book nu denne gruopvækkende underjordiske udflugt til fods i Edinburgh for at udforske hjemsøgte huler og opdage byens mørke side i dagslys.

Hidden and haunted evening adult walking tour of Edinburgh
Book this hidden and haunted evening adult walking tour of Edinburgh now to discover the gruesome underground vaults and the creepy old town.

Historic underground walking tour of Edinburgh
Book a tour of Edinburgh's underground caverns and learn the secret history of the city's Old Town with stories and artifacts from Georgian times.

Ghosts and ghouls evening walking tour of Edinburgh
Book this evening ghosts and ghouls walking tour to discover Edinburgh's haunted side and the Blair Street Underground Vaults before a dram of whisky.

Gruopvækkende underjordisk udflugt til fods i Edinburgh
Book nu denne gruopvækkende underjordiske udflugt til fods i Edinburgh for at udforske hjemsøgte huler og opdage byens mørke side i dagslys.

Hidden and haunted evening adult walking tour of Edinburgh
Book this hidden and haunted evening adult walking tour of Edinburgh now to discover the gruesome underground vaults and the creepy old town.

Historic underground walking tour of Edinburgh
Book a tour of Edinburgh's underground caverns and learn the secret history of the city's Old Town with stories and artifacts from Georgian times.
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Edinburghs hvælvinger
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Anmeldelser Edinburghs hvælvinger
“The tour was so good. Shannon was the perfect host and her story telling was amazing. She deserves a pay rise, or at least make her a cuppa and give her 3 biccies .... the good ones!”
“My sister and I were very impressed with the tour! Stephanie and Anelia were amazing guides, very informative and dramatic keeping everyone interested in the history of Edinburgh. The Vaults were amazing and very good to explore, I will recommend to anyone visiting Edinburgh!”