Ting at foretage sig på Harlem
Oprindeligt en hollandsk landsby etableret i midten af det 17. århundrede er Harlem beliggende i den øverste del af Manhattan. Det urbane kvarter blev opkaldt efter Haarlem, en by fra Holland. I dag er Harlem er berømt over hele verden grundet dens rige historie inden for musik og teater.
I løbet af 1920'erne og 1930'erne var nabolaget var centrum for "Harlem-renæssancen" en indflydelsesrig periode, der havde en stor påvirkning på genoplivningen af afrikansk-amerikansk kultur.
Du kan bestille billetter til nogle af de mest dybdegående rundture og træde ind i historiske teaterrum. Her finder du også masser af gospelmusik - med gudstjenesrer og prisbelønnede kor i lokale kirker, hvor du helt sikkert vil føle ånden! Besøg Savoy Ballroom eller Apollo Theater og få en fornemmelse for, hvordan livet var dengange i løbet af Harlem-renæssancen.
Harlem er let tilgængelig til fods, på cykel eller bil. Bydelen betjenes også af offentlig transport, fra busser til metroer og cykel-deling.
Vores anbefalinger Harlem

Neighborhoods of New York tour: Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Coney Island
Book this Neighborhoods of New York tour with us today to explore and learn all about Brooklyn, the Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Coney Island!

Go City | New York Explorer Pass for 2 til 10 attraktioner
Dit valg af New Yorks største attraktioner, alt sammen på ét kort. Nyd store besparelser i forhold til at købe individuelle billetter til alle de bedste seværdigheder i New York
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 pt

Harlem Gospel Experience walking tour in New York City
With this walking tour in New York City, you will explore the cultural capital of Black America and experience the soulful sounds of gospel music.
en, fr, es

Harlem Wednesday service experience
Book your ticket and enjoy a 60-minute concert at a neighborhood Black historic church. Be a part of the fellowship and the Church family.

Neighborhoods of New York tour: Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Coney Island
Book this Neighborhoods of New York tour with us today to explore and learn all about Brooklyn, the Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Coney Island!

Go City | New York Explorer Pass for 2 til 10 attraktioner
Dit valg af New Yorks største attraktioner, alt sammen på ét kort. Nyd store besparelser i forhold til at købe individuelle billetter til alle de bedste seværdigheder i New York
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 pt

Harlem Gospel Experience walking tour in New York City
With this walking tour in New York City, you will explore the cultural capital of Black America and experience the soulful sounds of gospel music.
en, fr, es

Harlem Wednesday service experience
Book your ticket and enjoy a 60-minute concert at a neighborhood Black historic church. Be a part of the fellowship and the Church family.

Hamilton Heights Sugar Hill tour
Book this Hamilton Heights Sugar Hill tour and learn the development of the historical district and visit the Hamilton Grange, Alexander Hamilton's home.

New York Pass® med 100+ attraktioner
Besøg så mange attraktioner, du vil, for én lav pris. Fra Empire State Building til 9-11 Museum, spar på 100+ ting at foretage si i New York.
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 pt

Harlem swing stroll and dance class
Book this Harlem swing stroll and dance class to enjoy a dance class and learn the history of Frankie Manning and Swing and Big Bands in Harlem.

Discover African-American culture tour in Central Harlem
Book this African-American culture tour in Central Harlem and visit African Market and Little Senegal, Apollo Theater, Speaker's Corner, and Hotel Theresa.

Cycle between Upper and Lower Manhattan with an expert guide on this 3-hour eBike adventure to experience the Big Apple from a different point of view!
en, nl

Harlem Sunday service experience
Book this Harlem Sunday service experience to learn about the history of the neighborhood and join the local congregation for a Sunday service.

Listen to the most talented performers in Harlem's most exciting clubs while learning about the neighborhood's historic past and dynamic present

Private Jazz in NYC Tour Highlights
Book a 4-hour private NYC tour based on your needs and interests with a knowledgeable guide that will help you design the itinerary of your dreams.
Sådan kommer du derhen

New York
Amerikas Forenede Stater
Anmeldelser Harlem
“Great selection of experiences and definitely worth it if planning a few days in NYC wanting to do all the big sights. Need to be sure to book slots for some activities - not time effficient having to physically go to the sight to get given a time slot rather than being able to book online.”
“Benutzung des Passes: Problemlos.Die Beschreibungen in der App: Sehr gut. Einzig: Weil man fast bei keiner Attraktion die Besuchszeiten im Vorfeld auswählen kann bei Pass-Benutzung,, wäre es schwierig gewesen die Pläne einzuhalten, wenn die Stadt voller gewesen wäre.”