Besøg det legendariske nattelivsdistrikt St. Pauli og gå langs Reeperbahn, lyt til betagende baggrundsinformation om dette verdensberømte steds historie og nutid, der hvert år tiltrækker utallige turister.
Visit the legendary nightlife district St. Pauli and walk along the Reeperbahn, listening to breath-taking background information about history and present of these world-famous places that attract every year countless tourists.
Hvad har Nutella at gøre med Reeperbahn? Har Jack the Ripper nogensinde trådt ind i denne verden? Er der virkelig gader, der er forbudte for kvinder?
What does Nutella have to do with the Reeperbahn? Has Jack the Ripper ever stepped into this world? Are there really streets forbidden to women?
Få spændende lokal information om ’godfather’ af St. Pauli og den mest berømte politistation i Hamburg, den såkaldte 'Davidwache', kendt fra serier og film, og ankom til sidst på den historiske bar Zur Ritze.
Get exciting insider information about ‘the godfather‘ of St. Pauli and the most famous police station of Hamburg, the so-called 'Davidwache', known from series and movies, and enter in the end also the historic bar Zur Ritze.